The transformation of Ganapathinagar AWC

Ganapathinagar AWC of Chikkabanawara circle is surrounded by low- and middle-income communities. There are 35 children enrolled and around 25 of them are regular. The centre has a room for classroom activities, a kitchen, storage and a toilet facility. There is adequate space in the front yard of the premises which is used for conducting outdoor play activities 3with the children.

When the centre got selected as a model resource Anganwadi centre, a few challenges were identified. Those included an open drain in the front entrance of the AWC, a big garbage dump beside the road running next to the AWC by the local community, due to irregular collection of garbage by the Town Panchayat, water seepage in the walls during the rainy season, etc. An Anganwadi-level community meeting was held where the parents of the children, BVS and other interested community members participated, there was a serious and intense discussion which resulted in a collective decision to march to the Town Panchayat office and meet the concerned officials and demand for resolving the issues caused by their negligence (garbage dumping and open stinking drain in front of the AWC.As a result, officials got the garbage dump cleared and the blocked drain cleansed with the application of cleaning agents. The community took the responsibility of ensuring that no one dumped anything. Prajayatna transformed the centre into a Resource Anganwadi Centre by providing all the required resources. These efforts assisted in transforming the unsafe and unhygienic condition of AWC into a conducive space for learning.

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